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Senckenberg Dresden

Daycare Centers and Schools

With its special exhibitions in the Japanese Palais in Dresden and the Research Institute in Dresden-Klotzsche, the Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden are an exciting extracurricular place of learning. Our guided tours and workshops are based on the current curriculum, thus providing a varied addition to lessons in the classroom.

Guided tours in our current special exhibition “Roaming Animals –Migration in the Animal Kingdom” in the Japanese Palais, Palaisplatz 11, 01097 Dresden
With more than 60 original specimens, models, and casts from the Senckenberg collections, the special exhibition shows a section of the diversity of animal immigrants in Germany. During the guided tour, the topic of non- native species (neobiota) and their impact on native habitats is explored in depth. Afterwards, the school classes and their accompanying persons can explore the exhibition on their own.
Keywords: Non-native species (neophytes, neozoa), invasive species, threats to native ecosystems, nature conservation, biodiversity, Anthropocene, education for sustainable development


Daycare centers
Duration: 30 minutes
Cost: 1.50 Euro per child (discounted tour fee, free admission), Accompanying
persons are admitted free of charge

Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: 3.50 Euro per student (2 Euro admission plus 1.50 Euro discounted tour
fee), one accompanying person per 10 students admitted free of charge

Please register your request for a guided tour at least one week in advance!


Workshops at the Research Institute in Dresden-Klotzsche
Königsbrücker Landstraße 159, 01109 Dresden

Duration: 120 minutes
Cost: 5 Euro per student, one accompanying person per 10 students admitted free of charge

Please register your request for a workshop at least three weeks in advance!