Senckenberg Dresden

Lecture Series

The Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden organises monthly colloquia that provide an insight into current geoscientific and zoological research topics. The zoological colloquia are mostly presented in English.
The geoscientific colloquia take place in the Japanese Palace, but the zoological colloquia in the lecture hall of the research location “Senckenberg Natural History Collections” in Dresden-Klotzsche.
(Site Map)

Details – including last-minute change notices – can be found on the respective announcement pages:

Geoscientific Colloquia

Zoological Colloquia


Japanese Palace

Senckenberg Research Location Dresden-Klotzsche

Zoological Colloquia in the lecture hall of the main building of the Senckenberg Natural History Collections. The address is: Zur Wetterwarte 9 (behind the State Agency for Archaeology, Zur Wetterwarte 7) or tram 7 station “Industriepark Klotzsche”